I Love You…And the Earth

What is your love language and does it communicate your love of the earth?

According to Gary Chapman, Ph.D five unique styles are used to express love, a complex emotion involving strong feelings of affection, tenderness, and devotion:

  • Words of Affirmation”I love you's” compliments, appreciation, encouragement

  • Acts of Service-actions to make life easier

  • Quality Time-being together with undivided attention

  • Physical Touch- signs of affection like holding hands, cuddling

  • Gifts-visual symbols of love, tangible

While each of us has a primary way that we prefer to receive and express love, the month of hearts and Valentine’s Day focuses on gift-gifting.  I show my love for you by giving you a gift.  Isn’t that sweet?  Maybe.  If you also care about the earth, Waste 360  cautions the purchase of traditional gifts:

On Valentine's Day in the United States alone, 36 million heart-shaped boxes, 180 million cards, 198 million roses, 881 thousand bottles of sparkling wine, and 58 million pounds of chocolate are purchased, resulting in carbon emissions equivalent to driving around the world 3,993 times. 


Delving deeper into the consequences of choosing roses, and single-use plastic containers, offers motivation to make a different choice.

How do you express love and stay committed to a low-waste lifestyle?

As with all gifts, first consider the packaging.  Most of us are already re-using gift bags and boxes, but have you considered wrapping gifts in fabric?  A worn tablecloth or scarf can be upcycled and is great for an odd-shaped gift (maybe you fixed a treasured item that was broken-surprise!). 

A Mason Jar (or similar household container you already own) can be decorated and filled with treats:

Mix in their favorite love language

Knowing your Valentine’s preferred style can help you create a personalized low-waste gift that communicates your genuine love.

  • Words of Affirmation–List what you love about the person receiving your gift.  Write each affirmation on colored paper beginning with I love you because…. Fill a decorated Mason Jar with your words of appreciation.  Note:  Acts of Service can also be included.

  • Acts of Service-List what you will do to make your loved one’s life a little easier. I will prepare dinner on Saturday so you can do something you enjoy.  I know that you don’t like to…(list a chore) so I will do it (list frequency) 

  • Quality Time–Offer to take the lead on planning activities that you can do together.  Check out free things to do in Rochester or consider Taking a class together.

  • Physical Touch–Promise a soothing foot massage using  DIY Massage Oil or a gift card for a professional massage.

Share Your Love of Living a Low-Waste Lifestyle

Is there a product you love that has reduced waste in your home? Share your experience along with a sample of the product.  I love using Swedish Dishcloths because they reduce the need for paper towels, are very durable, and can be composted at the end of their life. They are the perfect addition to a kitchen-themed gift basket with other low-waste products.   Include a note: I love you and I love the earth we share.

Expressing love doesn’t need to compromise your values, although it does require some thought and planning. While I am thrilled to receive a gift of experience from someone I care about, many people I love need to open a tangible gift. That’s where a bit of creativity comes in. Sometimes seeing what others have done will spark an idea.  

We would love to hear about your experience giving a low-waste gift. You never know when your idea will help someone else in our Zero-Waste community. 

Send your comments to Nancy Steinkamp.


Why Trash to Treasure?


The Road to Low-Waste Living