NY State Styrofoam Ban

It takes over 500 years for styrofoam to degrade and during the process, breaks down into microplastics. Microplastics are fragments of plastics less than 5mm in length. The pieces of plastic are everywhere, from the wind, to our oceans, and even in our bodies.

Of these plastics, styrofoam is one of the most problematic. Polystyrene, or styrofoam, degrades the slowest and leaches chemicals into the waterways. As such, it is vital to eliminating the use of single-use styrofoam especially when there is feasible alternatives.


Recently, NY announced a styrofoam ban. Throughout the year and moving forward, you will start to notice styrofoam packaging not available in grocery stores and restaurants. While there are loop holes for some, most facilities will no longer be able to sell, produce, or distribute polystyrene in the state of NY.

This is amazing news! But there is still a ways to go in eliminating all single-use plastic that will inevitably end up in the landfill. For now, you will notice restaurants using clear or black plastic to-go containers as well as compostable packaging. Remember that if you receive compostable packaging it must reach a compost pile for it to decompose without emitting methane gas into the atmosphere.

Look back on our blog later this month to learn more about back plastics and the new PFAS plastics ban.


Current Zero Waste Laws in NYS


Zero Waste Policy Month